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From: clive@sco.com (Clive D.W. Feather)
Subject: The Annotated Annotated C Standard
Sender: clive@x.co.uk (Clive Feather)
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 1994 20:22:46 GMT
Organization: Santa Cruz Organization
Lines: 804
Xref: fido.asd.sgi.com comp.lang.c:76863 comp.std.c:11897
The Annotated Annotated C Standard
This is a review of _The_Annotated_ANSI_C_Standard_, annotated by Herbert
This review is made possible by the generosity of Raymond Chen
<raymondc@microsoft.com>, who provided the review copy of the book,
and is dedicated to the Dream Inn, Santa Cruz, CA, whose staff
supplied countless cups of coffee while I wrote this review.
This version was modified on 1994-03-26. Thanks to the following for
pointing out errors:
Christopher R Volpe <volpe@ausable.crd.ge.com>
Jutta Degener <jutta@cs.tu-berlin.de>
Mark-Jason Dominus <mjd@saul.cis.upenn.edu>
Sue Meloy <suem@hprpcd.rose.hp.com>
Since _The_Annotated_ANSI_C_Standard_ first appeared, many people have
commented on errors in the book. After reading several of these, I obtained
a copy of the book and have read it in its entirety.
Many of these comments might appear to be relatively trivial. In response to
this, I can only point out that the book is commenting on a very carefully
designed document, and one that has to be read precisely. If the annotator
cannot get things right, then the book is not just useless, but is a positive
danger to those who do not have the time to read and analyse every word of the
standard. In other contexts, such as a tutorial on C, some of the errors in
this book could be allowed to pass, but not in this.
When I state that no mention is made of a topic, this indicates that I feel
that the topic is at least as important as ones that were commented on; quite
often this refers to the features of the standard which are less easy to
Text quoted directly from the book is indicated by @@ in the left margin.
General comments
Quite often, the book gives the impression that annotations were omitted
because they couldn't be fitted into the format of "standard on the left,
comments on the right". Whilst many pages of the standard have no annotations
at all, there are no pages with annotation but no standard. I note at least
one case below where I believe that a function was not annotated because the
comments on the previous section took up too much space.
The front cover of the book shows, amongst much clutter and someone's
half-eaten muffin, page 147 of the standard. It is intriguing to note that,
not only is this the obsolete ANSI standard rather than the ISO standard,
but that it corresponds to half of page 146 in the book.
The major divisions of the standard are referred to as "Part 1", "Part 2", etc.
In actual fact, they are "clause 1", "clause 2", and so on. One has to wonder
about an author who can't even get that right.
Specific comments
Numbers at the start of each comment are the ISO subclause numbers of
Schildt's annotations, which are not always the same as the subclause actually
being annotated.
3.10, 3.16, 3.17
A proper understanding of the terms "implementation-defined", "undefined",
and "unspecified", and of the differences between them, is essential to
understanding the limits that the standard puts on the programmer and the
implementor. Unfortunately, the differences are not explained at all, and
the book leaves me wondering why the different terms are used at all.
@@ However, this limits the total character set to 255 characters.
Actually, it limits it to UCHAR_MAX characters, which is at least 255, but
can be more. There was an opportunity here to explain what multibyte characters
actually are, but it seems to have been missed, possibly because of the lack
of space.
@@ An object is either a variable or a constant that resides at a physical
@@ memory address.
In C, a constant does not reside in memory (except for some string literals)
and so is not an object.
The standard is clear that diagnostics are required when syntax rules and
constraints are violated, and are optional otherwise. This is not covered at
all. Instead we get the vague statement that
@@ The standard requires that a compiler issue error messages when an error
@@ in the source code is encountered.
without discussing the different kinds of errors.
@@ You are therefore free to declare main() as required by your program.
This statement is immediately followed by the example:
void main (void)
even though the text of the standard directly opposite states that this is
undefined. Indeed, the text I quote makes me wonder whether Schildt believes
struct foo { int i; double d; } main (double argc, struct foo argv)
is permitted !
Most of the examples in the book declare main() as void. I won't bother to
point them out individually.
@@ Though most compilers will automatically return 0 when no other return
@@ value is specified (even when main() is declared as void), you should
@@ not rely on this fact because it is not guaranteed by the standard.
Indeed it is not. If main() is declared as void, I don't know of any compiler
that will return 0. Indeed, the standard forbids it to !
This section is often called the "as if" rule, because it says that an
implementation may do anything providing that the effect is "as if" the
exact wording of the standard was followed. This is almost completely ignored
in favour of explaining "side effect" and "automatic storage".
@@ Therefore, a multibyte character is a character that requires more than
@@ one byte.
Ignoring the fact that "character" and "byte" are synonymous in the standard
(something that is not mentioned in the annotations), the definition of
multibyte character is clear that it *does* include single byte characters.
@@ First, the null character may not be used except in the first byte of a
@@ multibyte sequence.
I read this as meaning that the multibyte character <00><94> is legal while
the multibyte character <94><00> is not. In actual fact, the standard states
that a zero byte must not appear in *any* multibyte character other than the
null character (i.e. the end of string indicator). This means that string
operations such as strcpy will work as expected with multibyte character
There was an opportunity here to explain multibyte characters and how to
use them, something that most books omit. Unfortunately, this one omits it
as well.
@@ In other words, one copy of a library function in memory may not be used
@@ by two or more currently executing programs.
This is blatant nonsense - on most Unix systems, if the same program is
executing several times, all the code is shared by both processes. Indeed,
many go further and share one copy of the standard C library among every
process on the system.
What this section of the standard is talking about is re-entrancy. The
functions in the library are not re-entrant, and so may not be called from
within themselves. For example:
* qsort() cannot be called from within the compare function passed to qsort();
* if a signal can be raised within a library function (perhaps by an external
event such as the user pressing a BREAK key), then the signal handler must
not call that library function.
The latter rule is particularly important: code using malloc must not call
malloc from within signal handlers.
@@ A compound statement is a block of code.
A nice sounding statement, but totally meaningless. A compound statement is
a block of code beginning with { and ending with the matching }. For example,
the body of a function is a compound statement.
@@ First, notice that a character is defined as 8 bits (1 byte). All other
@@ types may vary in size, but in C a character is always 1 byte long.
Certainly a character is always 1 byte long, since that is what a byte is
defined as. However, nowhere does the standard require a byte to be 8 bits;
an implementation with 47-bit bytes can conform to the standard.
The assumption that 1 byte = 8 bits occurs at several other points in the book.
I won't always bother to point it out.
The book carefully talks about tokens, and then proceeds to mention
preprocessing tokens, while totally failing to note the difference, or why
both concepts exist. I would have thought that this was exactly the sort of
thing annotation was all about.
@@ No other keywords are allowed in a conforming program.
False. Other keywords are allowed, providing that they either occupy the
implementation namespace (such as "__far"), or that they are only used after
inclusion of a non-standard system header. For example, a compiler could
state that, following "#include <8086.h>", "far" is a keyword. Since no
strictly conforming program can include that header, and providing that "far"
is not treated specially without it, such a compiler would conform to the
Of course, no other keywords are allowed in a *strictly* conforming program.
If one is going to mention that only the first six characters of external
names are significant, one should also mention that the case of those six
characters is not.
@@ * File scope begins with the beginning of the file and ends with the end
@@ of the file
@@ * Block scope begins with the opening { of a block and ends with its
@@ associated closing }.
This is not true: while the scopes end as described, they begin, for each
identifier, at the end of its "declarator" (that is, at the comma, equals
sign, or semicolon after it is declared). This is particularly important for
idenfifiers with block scope. Consider this code:
/* Line 1 */ {
/* Line 2 */ int i = 10;
/* Line 3 */ {
/* Line 4 */ int j = i;
/* Line 5 */ int i = 5;
/* Line 6 */ printf ("i = %d, j = %d\n", i, j);
/* Line 7 */ }
/* Line 8 */ }
All three variables have block scope, but they are different:
outer i: from the "=" on line 2 to the "}" on line 8
inner i: from the "=" on line 5 to the "}" on line 7
j: from the "=" on line 4 to the "}" on line 7
In particular, the "i" on line 4 refers to the one in the outer block, and
so j has the value 10, not 5.
@@ Identifiers with external linkage are accessible by your entire program
Once again this is in error - for example, an identifier with external linkage
is not accessible in a translation unit that uses the same name with internal
linkage. The point of linkage is to indicate when the same identifier refers
to the same object, yet the annotations omit this entirely.
There is no mention of the fact that each structure and union type has its
own namespace, so that more than one structure or union can have a field
with a given name.
@@ An unsigned integer expression cannot overflow. This is because there is
@@ no way to represent such an overflow as an unsigned quantity.
More nonsense. An implementation either does or doesn't have a way to represent
overflow - usually integers don't, while floating point may or may not (some
systems have INFINITY values that effectively indicate overflow). However,
an unsigned integer expression cannot overflow because the standard says so -
the choice was made that unsigned integer arithmetic is done modulo some
base (UINT_MAX+1 for unsigned int, ULONG_MAX+1 for unsigned long). There is
no magic about this; it was an arbitrary decision by the authors of the
@@ x = 'A'; /* give x the value 65 */
This comment, and the following text, leave the reader believing that 'A'
must have the value 65, and by extension that C requires the use of ASCII
codes. This is of course false, but it would be hard to tell from the book.
This, plus the comments assuming 8-bit bytes, and use of the terms "high byte"
and "low byte" of integers later on, makes me wonder whether a better title
for the book is: _The_ANSI_C_Standard_annotated_for_some_MSDOS_compilers_ :-).
@@ In other words, the executable version of a C program contains a table
@@ that contains the string literals used by the program.
While this is one way to implement strings, it is not the only one. Such a
comment does not belong in a book like this.
@@ Further, the effect of changing the string literal table is implementation
@@ dependent. The best practice is to avoid altering the string table.
It's more than just implementation dependent (a term which, by the way, is not
used by the standard), it's completely undefined. You *must* *not* modify a
string literal.
A description which is essentially correct is spoilt by the addition of the
@@ In the most general terms, when you convert from a larger integer type to
@@ a smaller type, high-order bytes are lost.
When an integer value is converted to a signed type which can't hold that
value, the result need not be that given by removing some bits. For example,
a rule that converted all such values to the minimum value of the destination
type (SCHAR_MIN, SHORT_MIN, INT_MIN) would be conforming.
A simpler way to state what this section means is:
* If the source value can be represented in the destination type, it is
* Otherwise, if the destination type is unsigned, reduce the value modulo
* Otherwise the destination type is signed and the value is implementation
@@ When converting a larger [floating] type into a smaller one, if the value
@@ cannot be represented, information content may be lost.
Actually, unlike integers, such conversions are undefined, and the program
may crash as a result.
@@ these automatic conversions are also intuitive.
These conversions have been the subject of much debate. This section would
benefit from a proper explanation of the "value preserving" rules, and why
they were chosen.
@@ First, an array name without an index is a pointer to the first element of
@@ the array and is not an lvalue.
This has to be one of the worst expressions of the Rule I have ever seen !
First, there are a number of contexts (such as sizeof) where an array name
does *not* get changed to a pointer. Second, if the decay to a pointer takes
place at all, it takes place whether or not there is an index; for example,
decay takes place when the array name is used as a function argument. Last,
an array name *is* an lvalue; it is the resulting pointer that is not.
Considering how often they are used, the rather peculiar way they are
specified, and the need to cast them in some contexts but not others, it is
odd that null pointer constants are not mentioned at all.
@@ The standard states that when an expression is evaluated, each object's
@@ value is modified only once. In theory, this means the compiler will not
@@ physically change the value of a variable in memory until the entire
@@ expression has been evaluated. In practice, however, you may not want to
@@ rely on this.
The book then in effect goes on to say that "i = ++i + 1" is usually compiled
as if it were "i += 2".
As anyone who has survived the "i = i++" thread on comp.lang.c knows, this is
not only nonsense, but dangerous nonsense. The correct way to discuss this
part of the standard is to point out what can and can't be done in a strictly
conforming program, and leave it at that. Suggesting that such code can ever
have a defined answer is asking for trouble.
@@ The rest of this section formally defined what type of lvalue can refer to
@@ an object.
Well, in one sense this is true. However, what is important is *why* only some
lvalues can refer to a given object, and the annotations completely skip this.
The reason is, of course, to indicate when a compiler can assume that two
identifiers refer to the same object. For example, in:
char *cp;
int *ip;
void f (double *d)
*d = 3.14159;
*cp = 1;
*ip = 2;
The rules of this section say that the assignment to *cp could potentially
alter *d, and the compiler must generate code that takes that into account,
but the assignment to *ip cannot, and the compiler may assume that *d and *ip
do not overlap. This is called "aliasing", and knowing when aliasing takes
effect is an important factor in correctly optimising code.
@@ When no prototype for a function exists, it is not an error if the types
@@ and/or number of parameters and arguments differ. The reason for this
@@ seemingly strange rule is to provide compatibility with older C programs in
@@ which prototypes do not exist.
On the contrary, when no prototype exists, the number of arguments to a call
must be the same as the number of parameters in the function (which cannot
be a varargs function), and the types must be compatible after promotion.
What should have been written is that no error message is required if these
rules are broken.
Though this section mentions the existence of the "common initial subsequence"
rule for unions, it does not explain it properly, nor does it mention that
in all other circumstances assigning to one element of a union makes all other
elements have undefined values.
There is no mention of the rule that addition and subtraction of pointers and
integers must yield a pointer to the same array or one past the end of the
@@ When right-shifting a negative value, generally, ones are shifted in (thus
@@ preserving the sign bit), but this is implementation dependent.
The result of signed right shift of a negative number is implementation
defined; there is no suggestion in the standard that shifting in ones is the
"best" thing to do.
There is no mention of the fact that && and || evaluate explicitly left to
right, and stop when the result is known. This would be an opportunity to
discuss sequence points, but the opportunity is missed.
When talking about compound assignments (+= etc.), the annotations mention
that "a += b" means the same as "a = a + b", but do not point out that the
two are not equivalent; for example, "*a++ *= 2" is strictly conforming code
which increments a once, while "*a++ = *a++ * 2" is not.
Again, there is no mention of sequence points.
@@ In simple language, a declarator is the name of the object being declared.
In real C, a declarator is everything about the type and name of the object
except the basic type and storage class. For example, in "static int *p[5];",
the declarator is "*p[5]", and includes the concepts of pointer, array, and
size of array as well as the name.
@@ A variable declared using extern is not a definition.
Not only is this wrong, but the annotations to 6.7.2 directly contradict it,
with the correct example of "extern int count = 10;".
@@ In essence, a static local variable is a global variable with its scope
@@ restricted to a single function.
Actually, a static local variable is a global variable with its scope
restricted to some block scope; that is, from the end of its declarator to
the closing } of the block it is declared in.
@@ When static is applied to a global variable or function, it causes that
@@ variable or function to have file scope
The global variable or function has file scope whether or not static is
applied to it. The static keyword causes it to have internal linkage, which
is a different matter.
@@ The register specifier is only a request to the compiler, which may be
@@ completely ignored.
It can't be completely ignored, because whether or not it affects the way in
which the variable is implemented, it is still illegal to take the address of
an object declared register.
There is no mention of the implementation-defined aspects of bit fields.
@@ This padding must occur at the end, not at the beginning, of the object.
Padding can occur anywhere except at the beginning of a structure. In
particular, it can occur between two fields. Of course a union can only be
padded at the end.
@@ (Many compilers display a warning about this fragment, but still accept
@@ it.)
@@ const int i = 10;
@@ int *p;
@@ p = &i;
@@ *p = 0; /* modify a const object through p */
Actually, the standard requires a diagnostic for the third line, because
it violates the third dashed item of the constraints of If an
explicit cast had been used in that line, I believe that the assignment
would be strictly conforming. If so, then it is true that the standard does
not require a diagnostic for the last line, but nevertheless it is undefined,
not just something to warn about.
@@ The information and constraints in this section are mostly applicable
@@ to compiler implementors.
Since this section defines how to declare arrays, pointers, and procedure
prototypes, one has to wonder what the author actually considers interesting !
Considering that it has come up in at least two Defect Reports, I would have
expected some mention of the rule about typedef names within prototypes.
A useful way to think of a type name is as a declaration with the identifier
being declared omitted. So, for example, if v is declared as:
unsigned char *v[5];
then the type of v is:
unsigned char *[5];
@@ The general form of an initialization is
@@ type var = initializer;'
Once again, the whole concept of declarators is omitted. While it is true that
that is one form of an initialization, it excludes lines like:
int a [5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
This is another example where the annotations describe a "general form"
which isn't. In this case, it implies that the "default" case label must be
the last one in the switch, and that it can't have an associated "break".
The problem with these "general" forms is that, while they are fine in a
teaching context, they omit all the grubby details that a user of the standard
needs to know, such as fall-through cases, or Duff's Device.
I would also have appreciated a warning that ordinary labels are still allowed
within the body of a switch statement, so:
switch (i)
/* ... */
j = 0;
is legal code, but is *not* the default case of the switch.
@@ To understand the difference between the modern and old forms, here is the
@@ same function defined using both forms:
@@ /* Modern function definition. */
@@ float f (int a, char c)
@@ {
@@ /* ... */
@@ }
@@ /* Old-form function definition. */
@@ float f (a, c)
@@ int a;
@@ char c;
@@ {
@@ /* ... */
@@ }
Unfortunately, these two aren't exactly the same. With the modern function
definition, the argument corresponding to c is converted to type char and
passed to the function. With the old-form definition, it is converted to int,
passed to the function as an int, and then converted to char.
Why does this matter, you may ask ? Well, it matters when we're trying to
write a prototype for the function. The prototype for the new form definition
float f (int a, char c);
as you might expect. However, the prototype for the old form is:
float f (int a, int c);
@@ The #include statement has these two forms:
Actually, it has three forms. While the third is fairly uncommon, it ought at
least to be acknowledged.
Probably just a typographical error, but the expansion near the bottom of the
page is:
printf ("%d ", ABS (((-20) < 0 ? -(-20) : (-20)));
and should be:
printf ("%d ", ((-20) < 0 ? -(-20) : (-20)));
There is no mention of the fact that using any #pragma in a translation
unit (this means after #ifdef'd-out code has been removed) prevents it from
being strictly conforming.
The title of this subclause is: "Standard headers", but the annotations
begin with: "A header file". This obscures the fairly important point that
the standard headers need not be files; there is at least one implementation
where the effect of the standard headers is known by the compiler, and there
are no such files at all.
@@ All conforming C compilers will supply all of the functions described here.
This only applies to "hosted" implementations, and is not true for
"freestanding" implementations.
@@ Frankly, many C programmers are not aware of the rules described in
@@ this section.
Quite right ! Unfortunately, the chance to explain the rules was missed.
@@ If errno is zero, then no error has been detected.
This isn't true at all. No library function will ever set errno to zero, but
if it *is* zero before one is called, it can remain zero even if an error does
The annotations include an example of offsetof(). Unfortunately, the
explanation of this example assumes that there is no padding in the structure.
If structures had no padding, offsetof() wouldn't be needed because the offset
of a field could be computed from the sizes of the preceeding fields.
These functions are nearly all locale dependent: whether a character is a
letter depends on the language in use as well as the character set.
Unfortunately, the opportunity to explain this has been omitted in favour of
a long example printing lines like:
@@ x is alphanumeric
@@ The setlocale() function sets all or a specified portion of those items
@@ described in the lconv structure
This is true in one sense, but oh so misleading. The setlocale() function
alters the meaning of many of the functions in the standard. For example, it
can change which characters are letters, or it can alter the decimal point
character. It can also affect the order in which strcoll() sorts strings.
In all, there are five "categories" that it can affect. The lconv structure
is affected by two of these, but not the other three, and it is not the only
thing that these two affect.
The example calls setjmp() using the statement:
@@ result = setjmp (jumpbuf);
Unfortunately, the standard puts strict limits on the places in which setjmp
can be called; essentially it must be one of the four forms:
while (setjmp (jumpbuf))
while (setjmp (jumpbuf) < 42)
while (!setjmp (jumpbuf))
setjmp (jumpbuf);
[The "while" may be replaced by "if" or "switch", or may be the implicit
while of a "for" statement.]
The example in the annotations, however, doesn't use any of these forms, and
so the compiler must produce a diagnostic for this code.
The standard also puts limitations on what can be done with local variables
in functions that call setjmp(). I am surprised to find no mention of these
limitations at all.
There is no mention of the type sig_atomic_t, and when it should be used.
@@ The type fpos_t is some type of an unsigned integer.
Actually, not only is there no such requirement in the standard, but fpos_t
was designed for the circumstances when a file position *can't* be fitted
into an unsigned long. The forthcoming Normative Addendum 1 also puts further
requirements on fpos_t which, while compatible with the current standard, can
*not* be implemented if it is an unsigned integer.
@@ Thus, it is permissible for a text stream to treat all characters as part of
@@ one long, uninterrupted line, if it so chooses.
Fine sounding words. I wish I knew what they mean !
The standard states that an implementation may treat spaces at the end of lines
in text files specially, and may add and remove zero bytes at the end of binary
files. Neither of these rules are mentioned.
There is no mention of fflush(NULL), nor that fflush cannot be applied to
an input stream.
@@ Note that if stream is a pointer to stdout,
Just a nit, but stdout is a pointer, and stream cannot point to it.
Here, and in many other places, printf() is called with a format of "%lf" and
a corresponding argument which is a double. Unfortunately, the standard states
that "%f" is the correct format for a double, and "%lf" is undefined. This is
a particularly bad sin because the description of the "l" flag is missing
(left page 132 of the book is a repeat of page 131).
While I cannot of course just copy the missing text, I can summarise what has
been lost.
After the % appear:
- optional flags
- an optional field width
- an optional precision
- an optional "h", "l", or "L"
- a character specifying the conversion type
The flags are:
- minus: left justify the conversion within the field width, instead of right
- plus: any signed conversion will begin with a plus or minus sign;
- space: any signed conversion which does not begin with a sign will be
prefixed with a space; this is ignored if the plus flag also appears;
- hash: for "o" conversion, ensure that the first digit is a zero;
for "x" conversion, a non-zero result will begin with "0x";
for "X" conversion, a non-zero result will begin with "0X";
for floating-point conversions, there will always be a decimal point
even if no digits follow it;
for "g" and "G" conversion, trailing zeroes are retained;
hash may not appear on any other conversions;
- zero explained on page 133.
The field width is an asterisk or a decimal integer. If the converted value
has fewer characters that the field width, it is padded to the width (unless
altered by the flags, the padding is with spaces on the left). The field width
cannot reduce the width of the converted value. Note that a zero at the start
of the width is the "0" flag; it does not mean that the width is in octal.
The precision is a dot followed by an asterisk, a decimal integer, or nothing
(equivalent to zero). It can only appear with certain conversions, and its
meaning varies:
d, i, o, u, x, X: the minimum number of digits to appear
e, E, f: the number of digits after the decimal point
g, G: the maximum number of signficant digits
s: the maximum number of characters to be taken from the string
It must not appear with any other conversion.
If the width, precision, or both, is an asterisk, the actual value is taken
from an int argument to the fprintf() function. The arguments are always in
the order:
* width if an asterisk
* precision if an asterisk
* actual value to be converted
A negative width means add the "-" flag and use the absolute value; a negative
precision means that the precision should be treated as if omitted.
The optional letters may appear as follows:
h with d, i, o, u, x, X:
the argument value (which is int or unsigned int) will be converted to
short or unsigned short before printing;
h with n:
the argument is a (short *) rather than a (int *);
l with d, i, o, u, x, X:
the argument is long or unsigned long
l with n:
the argument is a (long *) rather than a (int *);
L with e, E, f, g, G:
the argument is a long double rather than a double.
These letters may not appear with any other conversion.
Both the examples of scansets don't use a field width. This means that if the
user inputs a line which is too long, it will overflow the buffer with
potentially disasterous results. They also use "fflush(stdin)", which is
The annotations talk about "high order byte" and "low order byte" as if an
integer only has two bytes. In any case, these functions are not defined in
terms of "bytes", but in terms of conversion to unsigned char.
The first example calls fgetc() and assigns the result to a char variable.
This means that an error or end-of-file will cause the program to loop forever.
@@ The following fragment illustrates how files are commonly read:
@@ do {
@@ ch = fgetc (fp);
@@ /* ... */
@@ } while (!feof (fp));
This example suffers from the "Pascal disease". The function feof() does not
mean "end of file has been reached", but means "a previous read hit end of
file and returned EOF". Thus, when the last character of the file is read and
processed, "feof (fp)" will still be false, and the loop will be repeated one
more time. This time, ch will be set to EOF, but there is no indication in
the annotations that this must be treated specially. Only after this EOF has
been processed, probably wrongly - for example, if the file is being copied
to somewhere else, a spurious character will be output - will the call to
feof() return true.
@@ Also, for files opened for binary operations, EOF is a valid binary value
@@ and does not necessarily indicate an error or end-of-file condition.
This is dangerous nonsense, caused because the annotations use char variables
instead of ints to hold the results of fgetc(). What the standard says is, in
effect, that fgetc() returns a positive or zero value if it read a character,
and a negative value (EOF) if it reached end-of-file or an error occurred.
It is true that EOF, cast to the type unsigned char, is identical to value
that can be read from a binary file (or even a text file). However, this is
just the effect of bad programming; anyone with experience in C file handling
should be aware of this.
@@ Also, remember that if the string does not contain a valid numeric value
@@ as defined by the function, then 0 is returned. Although strtod(),
@@ strtol(), and strtoul() set errno when an out-of-range condition exists,
@@ there is no requirement that errno be set when the string does not contain
@@ a number. Thus, if this is important to your program, you must manually
@@ check for the presence of a number before calling one of the conversion
@@ functions.
Actually, it is quite hard to make such a check, but luckily it is also
unnecessary. If there is no number in the string, all three functions set
*endptr to the original value of nptr, while if there is (even if it is zero)
they set it to point after the last character of the number.
The example appears to assume that time_t is an integral type, and so assigns
the result of time() to a long. In fact, it could be double, and it might be
that the cast always yields zero. To extract a random number from the value
returned by time(), it is necessary to do something like the following, which
constructs an unsigned int from all the bits of a time_t value.
unsigned int random_from_time (time_t t)
unsigned int i, j, k;
char *p;
i = 0;
p = (char *) &t;
/* Divide t up into pieces each the size of an unsigned int */
for (k = 0; k + sizeof j <= sizeof t; k += sizeof j)
/* Copy the bits of the piece into j and add the value to i */
memcpy ((char *) &j, p + k, sizeof j);
i += j;
/* Do the same with any remnant (e.g. if j is 4 bytes and t is 11) */
if (k < sizeof t)
j = 0;
memcpy ((char *) &j, p + k, sizeof t - k);
i += j;
return i;
7.10.7 and 7.10.8
@@ Since multibyte characters are implementation-specific, you should refer
@@ to your compiler's user manual for details.
There is a lot that can be said about multibyte and wide characters without
having to know individual encodings, and there is a sore lack of such
tutorial material. It is a great pity to be faced with two almost blank pages
The annotations use the term "rearrange" when discussing strxfrm(). It should
be noted that the result of strxfrm may be longer than the original string.
The example compares two arrays of floats using memcmp. While such a comparison
is strictly conforming, it is not useful - the result of the comparison depends
on the details of the encoding of floats, and is in no way related to which
number is greater or smaller. (For example, it is possible to have an encoding
in which 0 < 2, but 2 > 3, as far as this comparison works. In the same way,
comparing integers with memcmp is equally useless on a little-endian system.)
There is no description of mktime and how it can be used to solve problems
like "what day is 100 days after December 25th 1993". This appears to be solely
because there was no room on the page opposite the definition of mktime.
Clive D.W. Feather | Santa Cruz Operation | If you lie to the compiler,
clive@sco.com | Croxley Centre | it will get its revenge.
Phone: +44 923 816 344 | Hatters Lane, Watford | - Henry Spencer
Fax: +44 923 210 352 | WD1 8YN, United Kingdom |